===== Auryn Runtime Exceptions ===== * [[AurynOpenFileException]] Failed opening file. * [[AurynMMFileException]] Problem reading MatrixMarket file. Not row major format? * [[AurynMatrixDimensionalityException]] Cannot add data outside of matrix. * [[AurynMatrixBufferException]] Buffer full. * [[AurynMatrixPushBackException]] Could not push_back in SimpleMatrix. Out of order execution? * [[AurynConnectionAllocationException]] Buffer has not been allocated. * [[AurynMemoryAlignmentException]] Memory not aligned to 16bytes. * [[AurynDelayTooSmallException]] One of the SpikeDelays was chosen shorter than the current value of MINDELAY. * [[AurynTimeOverFlowException]] Trying to simulate more timesteps than are available in AurynTime.