====== NeuronGroup ====== NeuronGroup is the virtual base class [[http://fzenke.net/auryn/doxygen/current/classauryn_1_1NeuronGroup.html|of all neuron models]] within Auryn. It directly derives from [[SpikingGroup]] and implements important functionality which allows neurons to receive spikes. They are therefore the default target or destination type for [[Connection]] objects. Each non-virtual child of NeuronGroup has to implement the method ''evolve()'' which is called in every time step during simulations and is responsible to "evolve" the neural state variables. ===== List of Auryn neuron models ===== * [[IFGroup]]: A conductance based integrate and fire model with absolute and relative refractory period. The model uses the reduced EPSP model introduced in [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003330|Zenke et al. (2013)]] with slow and fast conductance components. It does not model the nonlinear voltage dependence of physiological NMDA channels, however. * [[AIFGroup]]: Like [[IFGroup]], but with additional spike triggered adaptation current. * [[AIF2Group]]: Like [[AIFGroup]], but two spike triggered adaptation current on different timescales which can be used to mimick power-law adaptation. * [[TIFGroup]]: "Tim's Integrate and Fire" neuron model with absolute refractoriness. Simple conductance based integrate and fire model after [[http://www.neuroscience.org/cgi/content/abstract/25/46/10786|Vogels and Abbott (2005)]]. * [[CubaIFGroup]]: Current based neuron model with absolute refractoriness as used in [[http://www.neuroscience.org/cgi/content/abstract/25/46/10786|Vogels and Abbott (2005)]]. * [[AdExGroup]]: Adaptive integrate and fire neuron after [[http://www.physiology.org/doi/10.1152/jn.00686.2005|Brette and Gerstner (2005)]]. * [[IzhikevichGroup]]: Implementation of quadratic adaptive Izhikevich neuron after [[http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1257420/|Izhikevich (2003)]] * [[IafPscDeltaGroup]]: Current-based integrate and fire neuron with delta current pulses. Similar to NEST implementation with the same name. * [[IafPscExpGroup]]: Same as [[IafPscDeltaGroup]], but with exponentially decaying synaptic current kernel. * [[NaudGroup]]: Experimental two-compartment neuron model proposed by Richard Naud which can be used for burst multiplexing. * [[SRM0Group]]: Implementation of a probabilistic SRM0 neuron after [[http://neuronaldynamics.epfl.ch|Gerstner et al. (2002, 2014)]].