Default extensions
I am using the following default file extensions in most of my simulations:
- ras spike raster file (human readable) as produced by SpikeMonitor
- wmat Weight matrix file (human readable) in Auryn matrix market compatible coordinate real format can be exported and imported by any SparseConnection object
- wmat.cstate In some older simulations an aditional wmat file to storing complex matrix states
- syn Time series file of synaptic weights in human readable format
- mem Default extension for time series files (human readable) with membrane voltage as written by VoltageMonitor
- pat Pattern file (human readable) as can be imported and understood by StimulusGroup, WeightMonitor and PatternMonitor
- netstate binary file storing network state as output or loaded by Auryn kernel
- prate time series (human readable) with population firing rate as written by PopulationRateMonitor
- pact Pattern activity time series file (human readable) computes and monitors population firing rates in neural subpopulations. Produced by PatternMonitor
manual/extensions.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/05 23:31 by zenke