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Auryn simulator
Plastic Spiking Neural Network Simulator
►Nauryn | |
CABSConnection | |
CAdExGroup | Conductance based Adaptive Exponential neuron model - Brette and Gerstner (2005) |
CAIF2Group | An adaptive integrate and fire group comparable to AIFGroup but with two independent adaptation timescales |
CAIFGroup | A simple extension of IFGroup with spike triggered adaptation |
CAllToAllConnection | Provides all to all connectivity |
CAuditoryBeepGroup | A special Poisson generator that mimicks thalamo-cortical input to auditory cortex layer 3/4 |
CAurynConnectionAllocationException | |
CAurynDelayTooSmallException | |
CAurynDelayVector | AurynDelayVector is a AurynVectorFloat which keeps its own history in a ring buffer |
CAurynGenericException | |
CAurynMatrixBufferException | |
CAurynMatrixComplexStateException | |
CAurynMatrixDimensionalityException | |
CAurynMatrixPushBackException | |
CAurynMemoryAlignmentException | |
CAurynMMFileException | |
CAurynOpenFileException | |
CAurynSpikeAttributeSizeException | |
CAurynStateVectorException | |
CAurynTimeOverFlowException | |
CAurynVector | Default Auryn vector template |
CAurynVectorDimensionalityException | |
CAurynVectorFloat | Default AurynVectorFloat class for performance computation |
CAurynVersion | Container class providing Auryn version number |
CBinarySpikeMonitor | The standard Monitor object to record spikes from a SpikingGroup and write them to a binary file |
CBinaryStateMonitor | Records from an arbitray state vector of one unit from the source SpikingGroup to a binary file |
CBurstRateMonitor | Monitor class to record population firing rates |
CChecker | The abstract base class for all checkers |
CComplexMatrix | Template for a sparse matrix with row major ordering and fast access of rows and capability to store float values per matrix entry |
CConnection | The abstract base class for all Connection objects in Auryn |
CCorrelatedPoissonGroup | A PoissonGroup with multiple subpopulations that co-modulate their firing rate according to an Ornstein Uhlenbeck process |
CCubaIFGroup | Current based neuron model with absolute refractoriness as used in Vogels and Abbott 2005 |
CCurrentInjector | Stimulator class to add values in each timestep to arbitrary neuronal states |
CDelayConnection | DelayConnection implements a SparseConnection with adjustable delays |
CDelayedSpikeMonitor | SpikeMonitor that reads the delayed spikes as they are received by a postsynaptic neuron |
CDevice | Abstract base class for all Device, Stimulator, etc objects |
CDuplexConnection | Duplex connection is the base class of most plastic connections |
CEulerTrace | Solves a set of identical linear differential equations with the Euler method. It is used to implement synaptic traces in most STDP models |
CExpCobaSynapse | Implements an exponential conductance-based synapse model |
CExpCubaSynapse | Implements an exponential current-based synapse model |
CFanOutConnection | Provides all to all connectivity |
CFileInputGroup | Reads spikes from a ras file and emits them as SpikingGroup in a simulation |
CFileModulatedPoissonGroup | A special Poisson generator that reads its instantaneous firing rate from a tiser file. Datapoints in the rate file are interpolated linearly |
CIafPscDeltaGroup | Conductance based neuron model with absolute refractoriness as used in Vogels and Abbott 2005 |
CIafPscExpGroup | Simple LIF neuron model with absolute refractoriness and current based synapses |
CIdentityConnection | Provides a unity matrix like connectivity |
CIFGroup | Implements the standard integrate and file model used in Auryn |
CInputChannelGroup | A PoissonGroup with multiple subpopulations that co-modulate their firing rate according to an Ornstein Uhlenbeck process |
CIzhikevichGroup | This NeuronGroup implements the Izhikevich neuron model with conductance based AMPA and GABA synapses |
CLinearComboSynapse | Implements Auryn's default conductance based AMPA, Combo synapse without Combo voltage dependence |
CLinearTrace | Exponential synaptic trace which exactly solves in an event-based manner in non-follow scenarios |
CLogger | A generic logger class that logs to screen and a log-file |
CLPTripletConnection | Implements triplet STDP in which weight updates are low-pass filtered |
CMinimalTripletConnection | Implements minimal triplet STDP as described by Pfister and Gerstner 2006 |
CModSynIFGroup | Implements the standard integrate and file model used in Auryn |
CMonitor | Abstract base class for all Monitor objects |
CMovingBumpGroup | A special PoissonGroup that generates jumping Gaussian bumps in the firing rate profile |
CNaudGroup | This file implements NaudGroup, Richard Naud's reduced two compartment model with active dendrites |
Cneuron_pair | Struct that defines a pair of neurons in SparseConnection |
CNeuronGroup | Abstract base class for all neuron groups |
CNormalStimulator | Stimulator class to inject timeseries of currents to patterns (subpopulations) of neurons |
CPairInteractionConnection | STDP Connection class to simulate arbitrary nearest-neighbor STDP windows |
CParrotGroup | A SpikingGroup that copies the output of another source SpikingGroup |
Cpattern_member | Struct used to define neuronal assembly patterns in SparseConnection |
CPatternMonitor | Monitor class to record population firing rates |
CPatternStimulator | Stimulator class to inject timeseries of currents to patterns (subpopulations) of neurons |
CPoissonGroup | A SpikingGroup that creates poissonian spikes with a given rate |
CPoissonSpikeInjector | A PoissonGroup which can directly add its output spike to another SpikingGroup by piggy backing onto it |
CPoissonStimulator | Stimulator class to inject timeseries of currents NeuronGroups |
CPopulationRateMonitor | Monitor class to record population firing rates |
CProfilePoissonGroup | A SpikingGroup that creates poissonian spikes with a given rate and spatial profile |
CRateChecker | A Checker class that tracks population firing rate as a moving average and breaks a run if it goes out of bound |
CRateModulatedConnection | Rate Modulated Connection implements a SparseConnection in which the weights depend |
CRateMonitor | Monitor class to record neural firing rates |
CRealTimeMonitor | Monitor class to record the system time in every timestep |
CSimpleMatrix | Template for a sparse matrix with row major ordering and fast access of rows |
CSparseConnection | The base class to create sparse random connections |
CSpikeDelay | Delay object for spikes which is synchronized between nodes using the SyncBuffer formalism implemented in System |
CSpikeEvent_type | Auryn spike event for binary monitors |
CSpikeMonitor | The standard Monitor object to record spikes from a SpikingGroup and write them to a text file |
CSpikeTimingStimGroup | |
CSpikingGroup | Abstract base class of all objects producing spikes |
CSRM0Group | Implements SRM0 neuron model with escape noise |
CStateMonitor | Records from an arbitray state vector of one unit from the source SpikingGroup to a file |
CStateValue_type | Auryn spike event for binary monitors |
CSTDPConnection | Double STDP All-to-All Connection |
CSTDPwdConnection | Doublet STDP All-to-All as implemented in NEST as stdp_synapse_hom |
CStimulusGroup | Provides a poisson stimulus at random intervals in one or more predefined subsets of the group that are read from a file |
CSTPConnection | This class implements short term plasticity according to the Tsodyks-Markram synapse |
CStructuredPoissonGroup | A special Poisson generator that can hide a fixed number of spatio-temporal patterns in the spike data |
CSymmetricSTDPConnection | Implements a symmetric STDP window with an optional presynaptic offset as used for inhibitory plasticity in Vogels et al. 2011 |
CSynapseModel | Implements base class for modular synapse models |
CSyncBuffer | Buffer object to capsulate native MPI_Allgather for SpikingGroups |
CSystem | Class that implements system wide variables and methods to manage and run simulations |
CTIFGroup | Conductance based LIF neuron model with absolute refractoriness as used in Vogels and Abbott 2005 |
CTrace | Abstract base class of synaptic traces |
CTripletConnection | Implements triplet STDP with metaplasticity as described by Pfister and Gerstner 2006 |
CTripletDecayConnection | Implements triplet STDP with an exponential weight decay |
CTripletScalingConnection | |
CVoltageClampMonitor | Implements a voltage clamp for one neuron and records the clamp current |
CVoltageMonitor | Records the membrane potential from one unit from the source neuron group to a file |
CWeightChecker | A Checker class that tracks the meain weight of a Connection and breaks a run if it goes out of bound |
CWeightMatrixMonitor | Saves the weight matrix of a given connection in regular time intervals |
CWeightMonitor | Monitors the evolution of a single or a set of weights |
CWeightPatternMonitor | Records mean weights from a connection specified by one or two pattern files. Can be used to easily monitor the mean synaptic weight in assemblies or feed-forward connections of populations of neurons |
CWeightStatsMonitor | Records mean and standard deviation of a weight matrix in predefined intervals |
CWeightSumMonitor | Records sum of all weights in synaptic weight matrix in predefined intervals |